Care of the VSR Waste Water System

The Village at Stone Ridge is not connected to municipal sewerage. The major components of our waste water system are 36 grinder pumps, a large holding tank, a high tech treatment plant, and a leaching bed. A major portion of your monthly Water & Sewer fee is used to keep this system running smoothly.

Because of the nature of our waste water system, garbage disposals are prohibited in the village. The following items should NOT be introduced into our sewer system as they will clog the grinder pumps.

  • Glass
  • Kitchen grease
  • Dental floss
  • Metal
  • Animal fat
  • Kitty litter
  • Seafood shells
  • Diapers
  • Rags
  • Swiffer pads
  • Fish tank gravel
  • Plastic objects
  • Baby wipes

In addition, NEVER introduce any of the following into any sewer:

  • Paint
  • Gasoline
  • Strong chemicals
  • Lubricating oil/grease
  • Explosives
  • Flammable materials

Grinder pump alarm signals

Each grinder pump is designed to produce an alarm signal in the event of failure. The alarms are located on the wall of a unit in the vicinity of the pump. A light flashes and an alarm sounds when the alarm is activated. If you observe an alarm you should call EMI (1-800-973-4300 or 1-603-622-7000) and report it.

Your Water and Sewer Committee

